

Oklahoma Tea Parties 


Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise (OK-SAFE)

Oklahoma Tea Party Mission Statement

April 15, 2009



The Tulsa Oklahoma Tax Day Tea Party is an informal demonstration organized of, by and for citizens who are no longer willing to tolerate an irresponsible, unresponsive government, Republican and Democrat alike. They do not agree with any form of government that continues to rapidly encroach on individual liberties while creating enormous and financially bloated government programs that are amassing crippling economic burdens for America’s future generations. Let us be clear in that we are not Anti-government, to the contrary WE are the government, as is stated in our founding documents by those who founded this nation in liberty.

       The gathering is intended to send a firm and respectful statement: ENOUGH! Our mission is to unite the state of Oklahoma county by county, so that we can affirm our State Constitution, confirm our sovereignty as a state, and enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Then to extend this sentiment state by state, to defend our national Constitution and our God-given liberties.  We will encourage attendees to become informed and significantly engaged so that they can defend and protect their individual rights, using the rule of law clearly set forth in our sacred Constitution.
       D.C. TEA PARTY    

  September 18, 2009
In The News

ABC News reports that two million Americans flooded D.C. in what people in the crowd were calling “a conservative Woodstock” Like the liberal Woodstock of the ’60s, thousands were rumored stranded on freeways. Some walked in to DC, ditching their cars and busses. I walked with a 5 deep 6 block long column of protesters from Pennsylvania Avenue who had walked miles from where they had to leave their busses. Networks including Fox News continued through the time I’m writing this at 8 p.m. local Eastern time reporting that “tens of thousands” showed up. Whasup with that?  When will we get some reliable reporting out of the corporate media types?

This event had been promoted as a taxpayer “tea party” but the crowd’s concerns were wide ranging, from outrage at ACORN and Obama’s socialist cadre known as Czars, to Obama’s untruthfulness. Protesters also displayed signs mocking Nancy Pelosi and others for smearing the grassroots movement as “astroturfers” and as an angry mob.

  May 29, 2009
In The News
All Conference and Convention events that have been submitted for listing to Tea Party Grassroots are found here.
In The News

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Other Resources

Supporting Documents

The Bill Of Rights:
(Outside Document)

Oklahoma Constitution:
(Outside Document)

The United States Constitution:
(Outside Document)

The Declaration of Independence:
(Outside Document)

The NAFTA Agreement:
(Outside Document)

(OK-Safe Document)

SAFETEA-LU Public Law 109-59:
(OK-Safe Document)

USDOT Corridors of the Future Program:
(OK-Safe Document)

Participants in USDOT Corridors of the Future Program:
(OK-Safe Document)

State of Oklahoma 

Oklahoma's Official Website


Oklahoma Governor's Office


Oklahoma Lieutenant Governor's Office


Oklahoma Secretary of State


Oklahoma Agency Directory


Oklahoma Office of State Finance


Oklahoma Open Books


OklahomaState Legislature


OklahomaState Courts Network


OklahomaState Constitution


OklahomaState Statutes


OklahomaState Election Board


Find Your Legislators


Links To Other Organizations 

Corridor Watch


Freedom 21


American Policy Center:


Eco-Logic Powerhouse:

Sovereignty International, Inc.

Conservative News:

Judicial Watch:

The August Review:

Trans-Texas Corridor:
(OK-SAFE Document)

WorldNet Daily:

Texans for Immigration Reform


The Conservative Caucus:

The John Birch Society :

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps:

Coalition for a Prosperous America:

State Legislators for Legal Immigration:

Owasso Taxpayer Alliance:


Liberty Ark Coalition:


Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance:




Arkansas Animal Producers:

The Arizona Sentinel:


Parental Rights:







Vicky Davis of Channeling Reality:

Joan Veon of

Joan Veon of

Charlotte T. Iserbyt of

Charlotte T. Iserbyt of

AxXiom for Liberty








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